DISD is hosting a series of budget information meetings this month. The District 7 meeting is at Quintanilla Middle School on March 23 at 6:00pm. (MAP)
Good stewardship of the district’s limited resources is critical. I’ve managed many budgets over the years. It was always a challenge because salaries and the cost of goods and services invariably went up, while every year we were expected to deliver more with less to our customers and stakeholders.
It boiled down to making smarter and smarter choices about where to spend and invest for maximum results. And just as important, making choices not to spend money on things that didn’t deliver results. It’s the same for DISD.
I encourage you to attend one of these meetings and give your input. I’ll be at the District 7 meeting at Quintanilla Middle School on March 23.
Hope to see you there!